In-depth cleaning
Your hygienist’s key aim is to prevent and treat gum disease, which is now one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. It is almost impossible to reach every part of your mouth, and when you choose us, a hygienist can help you to get to those hard-to-reach places to provide a professional thorough clean. It is worth mentioning that regular visits to your hygienist can help to prevent gum disease and tooth decay as well as help detect any oral health problems before they cause a problem. Contact our friendly team today.

Tailored to your needs
Typically, your visit to the hygienist will involve an initial oral hygiene check-up, followed by a ‘scaling’ procedure. This is where any build-up of harmful plaque and tartar is carefully and gently removed from the surface of your teeth and around the gum line using scalers and curettes, which are specially designed tools to check and scrape away soft deposits. Following a good clean and analysis of overall gum health, we give your teeth a shine and polish with an air polisher to remove any superficial stains.

Let us help you to elevate your oral health with our hygienist appointment in Suffolk, please call us on:
01394 283419